I play the guitar, the piano, the saxand a the drums. I know how hard it is to start playing and sift through all the tips and hints other guitarists tell you. So my tip or hint is to TEACH YOURSELF. You may be saying " How can I teach myself", well, you can either search the internet for lessons (allthough that is not really teaching yourself) or you can use tabs and chord sheets. Tabs are everywhere on the internet. Just search for them or see my links below. A tab is merely a guitarists idea of what a song should sound like. This is organised in a crude mockup of a guitar; looking something like this:
e---------------------------------5--8--| B----------------------------5--8-------| G--------------------5--7--8------------| D---------------5--7--------------------| A-------5--6--7-------------------------| E--5--8---------------------------------|
The dashed lines represent the strings of a guitar and the numbers represent how many frets to go down. These numbers are in the sequence in which they are to be played. The numbers that are lined up represent a chord to play. Take a try at this particular tab. It is my version of "shred blues". If you practice a few minutes every day, you can get to a very high speed. And it sounds awesome.
If you want to learn songs with chords quick, just learn a few basics like G, A or D. These are some of the most used chords. Or you can use a generic one, I like to call it the punk chord. Because in allmost every punk song the chord following is used, just in diffrent positions, in diffrent orders: e--------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------| G--------------------------------------| D-----------5--------------------------| A-----------5--------------------------| E-----------3--------------------------|
In this chord you pick a fret and use your ring finger to press down two consecutive frets. Then with your pointer finger, on the 1st string lower than the two, you skip one fret toward the top and press down. ( it's a whole lot easier when you see it for yourself.)
The one tip I think helps alot (besides to PRACTICE) is when you slide your hand up and down the strings to change chords NOT to look at you hand, but to where you want to go. This improves accuracy and makes it easier to play "blind".
I also encourage you not to rely totally on tabs. Sure they are a useful tool to get used to the guitar, but it will make you a lazy guitarist, who can't read music. Just buy a 3 dollar teaching book or find one on the net.
One thing you can do, is combine diferent ideas, such as blues "scales" and barr "power" chords. For example, turn up the gain on your amp and shred the scale, and slow down on the chords, pausing between them.
e---------------------------------5--8--| B----------------------------5--8-------| G--------------------5--7--8------------| D---------------5--7--------------------| A-------5--6--7-------------------------| E--5--8---------------------------------|
e--8--5---------------------------------| B-------8--5----------------------------| G------------8--7--5--------------------| D--------------------7--5---------------| A-------------------------7--6--5-------| E---------------------------------8--5--|
e------------| B------------| G--------7---| D--7--5--7---| A--7--5--5---| E--5--3------|
Ok, so it isn't Hendrix, but it is a step in the right direction. My advise is to bring your guitar to the computer, and go wild. Try www.guitartricks.com for a quick spray of style.
I will try to add some more self teach tips laiter. But for now just practice!!
CHORDS Here is a comprehensive list of Chords for you (You can also use the Chord Finder to find the chords you are looking for). To play the chord, use the fingering pattern to the right. The numbers indicate which fret to play on the string. 'x' means the string is not played. The strings are labeled in this order: E,A,D,G,B,E
For example, if we take the 1st chord: A: X02220 We would play it like this: ____________ X- - - - - - - -2-2-2- - - - - - - - ____________
A X02220 Am X02210 A7 X02020 Am7 X02010 Asus2 X02200 Asus4 X02230 A7sus4 X02030 A6 X02222 Am6 X02212 Amaj7 X02120 Adim XX1212 A+ XX3221 A5 57XXXX A13 X03033 A# X13331 A#m X13321 A#7 X13131 A#m7 X13121 A#sus2 X13311 A#sus4 X13341 A#6 X13333 A#m6 X13323 A#maj7 X13231 A#dim XX2323 A#+ XX4332 A#5 X13XXX B X24442 Bm X24432 B7 X21202 Bm7 X24232 Bsus2 X24422 Bsus4 X24400 B6 X24444 Bm6 X24434 Bmaj7 X24342 Bdim XX3434 B+ XX5443 B5 X24XXX B9 X21222 C X32010 Cm X35543 C7 X32310 Cm7 X35343 Csus2 X35533 Csus4 X35563 C6 X35555 Cm6 X35545 Cmaj7 X32000 Cdim XX1212 C+ XX6554 C5 X35XXX C9 X32333 C# X46664 C#m X46654 C#7 X46464 C#m7 X46454 C#sus2 X46644 C#sus4 X46674 C#6 X46666 C#m6 X46656 C#maj7 X46564 C#dim XX2323 C#+ XX3221 C#5 X46XXX C#9 43444 D XX0232 Dm XX0231 D7 XX0212 Dm7 XX0211 Dsus2 XX0230 Dsus4 XX0233 D6 XX0202 Dm6 XX0201 Dmaj7 XX0222 Ddim XX3434 D+ XX4332 D5 X57XXX D9 X54555 D# X65343 D#m XX4342 D#7 XX1323 D#m7 XX1322 D#sus2 X57755 D#sus4 X57785 D#6 XX1313 D#m6 XX1312 D#maj7 XX1333 D#dim XX1212 D#+ XX5443 D#5 XX13XX D#9 X65666 E 022100 Em 022000 E7 020100 Em7 022030 Esus4 022200 E7sus4 020200 E6 022120 Em6 022020 Emaj7 021100 Edim XX2323 E+ XX6554 E5 02XXXX E13 020120 F 133211 Fm 133111 F7 131211 Fm7 131111 Fsus4 133311 F6 133231 Fm6 133131 Fmaj7 132211 Fdim XX3434 F+ XX3221 F5 13XXXX F# 244322 F#m 244222 F#7 242322 F#m7 242222 F#sus4 244422 F#6 244342 F#m6 244242 F#maj7 243322 F#dim XX1212 F#+ XX4332 F#5 24XXXX G 320003 Gm 355333 G7 320001 Gm7 353333 Gsus4 320013 G6 320000 Gm6 355353 Gmaj7 320002 Gdim XX2323 G+ XX5443 G5 35XXXX G6/9 XX2233 G# 466544 G#m 466444 G#7 464544 G#m7 464444 G#sus4 466644 G#6 466564 G#m6 466464 G#maj7 465544 G#dim XX3434 G#+ XX6554 G#5 46XXXX
Chord Chart courtesy of Kyles Virtual Guitar Lessons.I personally thing his site is very well made. I will have his link shortly. The spinning banner below is a like to my (Sean's) site. It is the same thing, except with some other pages and more links.