Slow Children in 2004!!!!! | Posted by SC admin Monday Jan 5th 2004, 7:16PM
Well, its been a long few months of hibernation for slow children, and it'll probably be that way for a few more. But even now, we are allready planning things for the year. Our first major idea is a pro recording of all our previous songs down in Florida. Yes, its a long drive, but the recording is free, so it evens out. We're assuming that the quality will be excellent and are considering our distribution options to get the CD out to as many people as we can. We also have been working on new songs which may or may not make it to the CD. As soon as any new news breaks, it'll be on the front page posting board.
Enfield Battle of the Bands (updated) |
Posted by SC admin Monday May 26th, 7:16PM
Updated Monday June 30th, 11:59AM
On July 5th, there is an official battle of the bands in Enfield connecticut. So far, all we know is that the first 6 bands that meet the requirements get to play. The winner get something like 500 dollars (so we think). We are of course going to try and enter so look for more details in the near future.
Slow Children has in fact been accepted into the battle. It is located @ Higgins ball field in Enfield Connecticut, July 5th 2003 from 8-11PM. The official site about the activities is here.
K-loud's radio show
| Posted by SC admin Wednsday June 11th, 6:17PM
A member of the band (*joel*cough*) has their own radio show from 1AM-6AM on Sunday mornings on 91.7 WHUS Storrs,Ct. Ok, so its not exacactly primetime radio, but its radio. During his show, you will not only be able to hear a diverse range of bands, but you may also be able to hear Slow Children. So check his show out! WHUS Storrs S.C. downloads
| Posted by SC admin Tuesday June 10th, 8:51PM
Now that we have some recorded stuff, we can begin the great distribution process. This essentially means that we send our music to anyone who whill listen. This includes radio stations, record labels and internet sites. One internet site we have been with for awhile is The basic structure of garageband is for artists to review other artists to gain points good towards song uploads. We have enough reviewed tracks to upload one song. We have yet to do this, but when it is uploaded, you can download it @
The Remix hosted by hotbabaQ
| Posted by SC admin SundayJune 8th, 6:42PM
The Remix is a personal party for a relative of a member of the band. We do the gig every year as a end of school/beginning of summer/pool opening ceremony. Its alot of fun, very relaxed and like. This is not a big gig, so you have to be invited by either the host or one of us. And we can't admit very many people, so dont get upset if we turn you down..
(More info | Gig section)
Three Day Weekend CD recorded by monkeysqueaker
Posted by SC admin Saturday June 7th, 9:23PM
A few weeks ago, Slow Children was given the honor of playing at Three Day Weekend, a benifit concert for the Freddie Mercury Aids Foundation. The gig was fun for us, it was more like a really loud practice. Unknown to us, th e audio was recorded and now we have a CD for you!
UPDATE: The quality wasnt bad, but not good enough to distribute. The raw audio was ripped to specific MP3 of:
- MPEG-1 320 kBPS standard LAME encoding
- forced stereo
- no VBR
- >160 kBS
Copies are still available, but we recommend a MP3 conversion.
Slow Children Pro CD |
Posted by SC admin Someday June ??th, 28:12PM

Slow Children has created alot of songs over the years. However, we are a very picky band (and lazy). So if a song just doesnt sounds real good, we stop playing it. Concequently, it has taken a few years to get a dozen or so songs we deem acceptable. We have had a few opportunities to record some of our tracks (see CDs...CDs...CDs). The Webster CD is a decent catch of our live tracks and Save The Children was a bit more rushed than we'd have liked. Because of this, this summer Slow Children is going to either fork over the money or find the funding for pro recording. It looks more like we are going to have the CD funded, but if that falls through, we are still going to record. More details later.
Slow Children & 104 Fest |
Posted by SC admin Friday May 30th, 4:34PM
Back at our Webster gig, Dark Side Dave from radio 104 approached us (along with other scouts) and talked to us about stuff. Unfortunately, we were trying to break the set down quickly so we didnt catch everything he said. We got his card (and lost it) but e-mailed radio 104. So at this point all we definately know is that we'll be gaiing an e-mail back soon of what radio 104 wants us to do. Its either gigs like 104 Fest or professional recording. We'll post more info when we get it.
CDs...CDs...CDs |
Posted by SC admin Someday May -3.14th, 10:76PM
With the exposure gained at the webster, Slow Children may have fallen into the realm of professional, fully funded audio recording. But until then, we are on our own. In the newxt few weeks, we will have assembled three CD's for your enjoyment. One is a straight output recording of the Webster Underground performance. As of right now, that is all compiled into one track (33 minutes long). So we are going to split that up into seperate song tracks to make it easier to listen to. Also, we recorded three tracks for a local compelation at 91.7 WHUS' recording studio. The quality on that CD will be better and we will be more in tune. For our demo CD, we are going to rip our songs from thecompelation CD, so we can send it out to recording studios, record execs and radio programmers. And if you happen to want to purchace a CD, send us an e-mail.
EO Smith Battle of the Bands |
Posted by SC admin SundayII Febtober e^4th, 00:01AM
Ok, so its not really a battle, and its at EO, but the Electric Battle of the Bands is a great show. This year, the senior bands, aged to perfection, promise a great show. The problem is the lack of bands. Over the years, new bands would emerge from various underclassmen musicians thinking "What the hell. Lets play at battle of the bands". Heck, thats how Slow Children got started. But there arent as many up and coming underclassmen bands this year. If you are in one, or interested in starting one talk to Mr. Kern or if you want to send me a line and we'll be glad to hook you up. The concert is good band exposure and a nice place to gain stage skills without alot of risk involved.
by Brennan Dutta (taken from The Oracle Vol XIX No III)
"Slow children is the definition of progression, as they teed off with an exciting set of all origionals. Combining modern rock and metal influences, their first song started off with a swing beat before launching into a blistering sonic fury. Though the tunes were great on their own, they're even more impressive when one realizes that they were all origional compositions. Slow Childrens drummer was the only drummer present near the level of the previously mentioned 8th grader, and spurred on by the example set by the youth, launched his onw mind-blowing drum solo. Additionally, Slow Children featured the best guitarist of the night, as he mixed blistering solos and crunchy rhythm parts more adeptly than I thought possible, There arent enough superlatives to [throw] at this band, and the deserved all of them. As stated in the BOB program 'Kids play covers, real men play origionals' While the rest of the bands this night were stuck in the 7th grade, Slow Children are all grown up."
Save the Children: EO Compelation |
Posted by SC admin Suetday Yam 11th, BT:IIPM
The compelation, produced by a local EO Smith senior will include a few tracks from most of the local senior bands. Slow Children has been asked to record two tracks for the compelation. Recording was supposed to take place on 2/22/03 but was canceled. The tracks should be recorded within a few weeks. Distribution time is still unknown to us, but we will post it as soon as we know. If you want a copy, send us an e-mail:
Songs to be recorded:
- Window Pain (by Joel)
- Battle (by Sean)
- Wasting my Life Away (by Joel)
UPDATE: New recording date set for 3/29/03
UPDATE: All recorded. Check CD's for details.
(More info | CD Section)
Slow Children @ Webster Underground |
Slow Children has scored a gig at the Webster undergound this month (March)! We have to sell at least 10 ticketes to people 21 or older as a requirement for the gig. We are currently in the process of gaining more information about who we can bring, how long we have, equip setup...the usual. As soon as we know this information we will post it. Please tell us early if you are interested in going to the concert.
Toxicity (System of a Down cover)
Wasting My Life Away
Nag Champa
Window Pain
By the response from theWebster gig, Slow Children rocks. We had alot of fun playing the gig. The Webster was a welcoming place to play, had a good crowd and even recorded the set for us. It was after the performance however, where we found out exactly how the crowd though we were. We spent most of the down time talking to various music scouts and gathering buisness cards. Form the looks of it, this summer should be packed with bigger Slow Children concerts and gigs. We may even get some pro recording time thanks to a guy from radio 104.1. |