Welcome to the New Sean's Stuff Page |
Posted by SC admin on Thursday June 12, @04:01AM
from the webmasters-do-what-they-want dept.
masterkool writes "This page is a way for me to express things that I deem intersting from the great, great internet. Alot of the news seen here will come from Slashdot's (/.) web page. Also, i can add links to sites you submit (such as your own personal sites) So feel free to point out your sites, sites of other underground bands just about anything. To explain the setup of the whole page, the icons to the right of stories are to show the category that the story is in. For example, in SC news, the 'CD' is for cds and the 'Money' is for gigs etc. The 'posted by____on____' tells when the story was posted and by whom. I post all the SC related stories within the site and Slashdots stories are usually from someone else. The 'from the ___ dept' has no purpose, its just kind of fun. Happy surfing.'"
Build Your Own Boeing 737 Simulator |
Posted by michael on Friday June 13, @10:54PM from the build-your-own-saga-continues dept. crux6rind writes "This guy built his own Boeing 737-700 simulator in his garage. The simulator uses elements of a retired Continental B-737-100 along with other genuine Boeing 737 avionics and system components. The simulator will be of the fixed-base variety (no motion, just outside visuals), using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000, interfaced with R&R Electronics' EPIC system. This system allows you to interface switches, lights, buzzers, gauges, digital readouts with virtually any PC flight simulator out there."
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Sean's Weekly Cool Site |
Posted by SC Admin on Friday June 13, @08:05AM
from the chat-till-you-drop dept. masterkool writes"It seems like everyone is chatting online today, either with AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo or IRC chat clients. The most popular is obviously AIM, however, many people still use other clients. What allways sucks is when you have AIM and your friend has ICQ. Well, fret no more, Trillian is a multi-connective chat program, hosting all of the previously listed clients. It connects to the clients and displays them in a single interface. Best of all, Trillian is more customizable than AIM and offers more features."
(Read more... | More Info [trillian.cc] )
Matrix Gets Egyptian Ban For Explicit Religion |
Posted by simoniker on Thursday June 12, @04:01AM
from the whoa dept.
pajor writes "BBC News is reporting that that The Matrix Reloaded has been banned in Egypt. The country's censorship board cited violence which might 'harm social peace', but also said the 'religious themes' of the film's storyline, about the search for the creator and control of the human race, may cause 'crises'. A statement said: 'Despite the high technology and fabulous effects of the movie, it explicitly handles the issue of existence and creation, which are related to the three divine religions, which we all respect and believe in.'"
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Have Humans Come Close To Extinction? |
Posted by timothy on Monday June 09, @09:53PM from the closer-than-today-that-is dept. waytoomuchcoffee writes "According to a new study, our virtually identical DNA indicates humans were close to extinction about 70,000 years ago. Another take on the same study tells how being lactose intolerant in adulthood was normal, and being able to digest lactose became a survival advantage after dairy farming was invented."
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Sean's Hyperlinks of Interest |